
Sunday, August 24, 2014

10 signs to detect an ulcer patient

An ulcer is like a nasty canker sore (or crater) that typically develops either on the
lining of the stomach (a gastric or peptic ulcer) or at the opening of the small
intestine in the duodenum (a duodenal or peptic ulcer). Ulcers occur due to an
imbalance of digestive juices or if the stomach lining suffers some form of damage
(i.e., alcoholism).
An ulcer can be extremely painful, so it’s difficult to ignore if you develop one.
However, if left untreated, the ulcer can eat into the stomach wall causing a
perforated ulcer or the blood vessels causing a bleeding ulcer, and resulting in
damaging and excruciating health complications.
Here are ten very evident signs that you may be suffering from an ulcer…
1. Abdominal Pain
Pain in your abdomen, typically between the breastbone and belly button region,
may follow a meal as the stomach empties. The pain will often come and go in
waves of burning or stabbing pain.